Who Are We?

RLM Equities is one of Southern California's top boutique brokerages. With our commitment to maintaining a highly regarded reputation and building lasting relationships with investors in the market, RLM maximizes our clients' success and experience. RLM is focused on guiding our clients through the acquisition, disposition, and 1031 exchange process for Multifamily, Industrial and Retail transactions. Our priority is exceeding expectations and meeting our clients' goals.

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Open Sans

Noto Sans

Bebas Neue

Great Vibes

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Noto Serif

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Property Valuation

Want to know what your property is worth without wanting to commit to a sale? Please don't hesitate to reach out, we can assist.

Acquisition Services

In a 1031 exchange or just looking to acquire? We assist dozens of principles and exchange clients in identifying the right property to suit their needs.

Disposition Services

Looking to sell your property? We provide you with a roadmap of how to market your building and a detailed analysis of the property net proceeds.

1031 Exchange Services

Through our long-lasting relationships with our competitors and our emphasis on cooperation, we have the ability to locate an abundance of on and off-market deals for our exchange clients.

Market Rent Reports

Need to know how you are doing on rents? We can provide you with a comprehensive rental analysis that outlines what comparable properties in the general vicinity are achieving.

Southern California & National Coverage

RLM Equities focuses solely on the major markets of Southern California for Multifamily and the Major and Tertiary markets Nationally for other Investments. We have access to all principles and properties from Southern California to the East Coast.

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  • Let's Get Started

    RLM Equities brokers work in specific submarkets throughout Southern California. This local focus combined with years of experience allows us to provide our private clients with excellent value-add service. RLM relishes in assisting our clients through the transaction process streamlining the process, easing the headaches and ultimately achieving the clients goals.

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